Tuesday 15 December 2015

6 Moves for Summer Arms

Once the weather starts warming up, it’s time for us to pack our heavy sweaters and blazers away. Sleeveless dresses and short sleeved tops are about to gradually make their way to the fronts of our closets. Are you eager to wear your summer clothing, but not so confident about the way your arms look? Get those arms ready for summer clothing in 6 simple moves. This arm workout will help burn fat, and will tone and slim your arms down to be ready for summer in no time.

In this workout, you’ll segue from pushups to hammer curls, from chair dips to bicep curls, and from tricep kickbacks to curls and presses. Each workout will get you one step closer to arms that are ready to be bared and shown off once the warm weather hits.

Read More On  6 Moves for Summer Arms

Summer Legs in 15 Minutes

As winter ends, summer sneaks up very soon afterward. Since summer clothing often means shorts and bikinis, if you’d like to get your legs ready for summertime, that’s an area you can begin to work on now. This leg workout is quick, but every minute of those 15 minutes will require your full energy. Think about how you normally spend a fifteen minute break in your day. Checking email? Playing Candy Crush? Make those minutes count. Beat the curve, workout ahead of the season, and be ready with your shorts on that first warm day.

12 Minutes to a Stronger Swim

Swimming is easily one of the best full body exercises you can perform, no matter your age or fitness level. If you’re looking to get more out of your routine, take 12 minutes to train out on dry land. Since swimming is a full body sport, you’ll have to train your total body. These swimming exercises cover all the muscles you need to help you go the extra distance in your swims.

HIIT Pyramid Challenge

This workout is a combination of all the essentials you’ll need for the perfect workout. The ladder routine will help strengthen and condition your muscles. Exercises are paired off, so while you work one, the opposing muscle rests. This is the HIIT aspect, where you work nonstop to get fat blasting results.

Pyramid workouts help to push your muscles to the limit and this HIIT workout combo will not disappoint.

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Fabulous Abs in 30 Days Challenge

Envious of the gorgeous, shredded abs you see on your fellow gym-goers? Not sure if you’ve ever seen even a ripple of muscle on your belly? Those days are over. Your fabulous abs are waiting to be strengthened, toned, and uncovered with the Skinny Ms. 30 Days Abs Challenge.

7-Day Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners

Need to lose weight and see inches melt from your waist, hips, or thighs? This 7-Day Workout Challenge is your solution. Workout challenges can be a fun way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle change. This is specifically designed to be a toning and weight loss workout, so get ready to drop some beads of sweat, and inches, too! 

As you progress through the week, you will gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. Once the 7 days are up, keep the workout going for as long as you like, or take a look at some of our other beginner workouts to switch it up and stay engaged. Enjoy this challenge! It could truly be the start of a life-changing shift.

2 Moves to a Rounder, Shaplier Butt

You’ll look great in jeans. You’ll make a skirt look amazing. Your bikini will turn heads. And if you perform the weight bearing exercises that strengthen and tone your butt, your body’s largest muscle, you’ll boost your metabolism and build bone density! It’s a win-win.

If you’re one of the many women who have embraced the idea of a round and firm derriere, you’ve likely encountered a multitude of articles with tips and tricks to shape and tone your posterior. Feeling overwhelmed by all of the advice? We’re here to simplify things for you with a workout that involves only two moves, both optimized to get you the results you’re looking for.

HIIT Total Body Toning

If you’re rushing out the door at in the morning to get the kids to daycare and then make that 8:30 meeting, you may not have time to set aside an hour for a nice, long AM workout. Similarly, when your lunch hour passes you by and you’re left scarfing down a salad at your desk, the chances of you carving out time in the middle of the day for a gym session are slim. And at the end of the day, when your commute is long and you’re feeling drained, committing to a long workout may seem daunting.

Read More On  HIIT Total Body Toning

How to Get Tighter Glutes in 10 Minutes

Have you noticed that many of the items in your wardrobe look and fit better when your derriere is firm, tight, and in shape? Plus, building the largest muscle in your body boosts metabolism and allows you to burn more fat overall. Working your gluteal muscles is as easy as carving out ten minutes in your day for a glute workout, and committing to these five effective moves.

How to Get Toned Triceps in 3 Moves

You’re fit. You choose healthy breakfast options, pack healthy snacks, and select clean, whole foods at the grocery store. You’re jogging regularly, strength training, and cooling down with yoga. But unless you’re doing specific exercises which target your triceps, you may still notice that the underside of your arms are not as firm as you’d like them to be. This triceps workout is simple enough to do at home, and will tighten your arms in just weeks.

How to Get a Six Pack in 6 Moves

When you see a fellow fitness addict at the gym with gorgeous, toned six pack abs, do you feel a twinge of envy? Are you working your core but not quite seeing the results you long for? Our six pack workout will carve out a set of washboard abs in just six efficient moves.

How to Get a Flat Stomach in 7 Moves

Slimming our midsection is an ongoing goal for many of us. Some days, we feel bikini ready, and other days we would rather keep our stomach covered up. Whether you prefer flat or muscular abs, it takes dedication and the right combination of exercises. Our guide to how to get a flat stomach combines cardio, planks, and additional ab exercises, all designed to get results.

7 Workouts to Get Rid of Back Fat

Tank top and bikini weather is coming soon. Like many fitness enthusiasts, you’ve likely been working your abs and arms in recent months in order to prepare for summer, but you may have forgotten your back. If you have a little excess back fat showing, these back workouts will help to take care of all of that. Plus, they’ll strengthen some of the most important muscles in your body!

14-Day Get Moving Workout Plan

Staying in your comfort zone is relaxing. You know what to expect, there are no surprises, and, most importantly, it’s easy. We’re here to shake up your life a bit.

It’s time to transform your life and get your body moving. The couch will become old news and TV will end up being something you enjoy in smaller doses. By the end of our 14 day workout plan, you’ll want to be up, out, and moving as much as possible.

5 Minute Core Tightening Workout

Your core is at the center of it all, literally. With a strong and tight core, everything else becomes increasingly manageable. Your core is an active part of every movement you do. Walking, running, lifting and nearly every single exercise involves the core.

This 5-minute routine will burn your abs to exhaustion. Since the abs are a large muscle, we’ll use a heavy weight to get them trained to their full potential. Push yourself through this routine and flatten that belly to perfection.

Monday 14 December 2015

5 Moves to Get a Bubble Butt

Quick workouts lasting 4 to 10 minutes can be just as effective as longer routines. The key is to perform the prescribed exercises using correct form, taking recommended rest periods, and completing the workout three times per week. The 5 Moves to Get a Bubble Butt is designed to lift, round, and build the gluteal muscles.

TIP: As you perform the following exercises, keep your focus on the butt muscles by keeping them tight throughout the move. Also, a great way to way to lift the butt is by doing small pulses throughout the day. For example, squeeze and release your butt muscles as often as possible. It’s easy to perform this effective lift when in the shower or preparing dinner.

7-Day Summer Arms Challenge

Summer or not, there’s no better time to get those beautifully toned and defined arms.  This challenge is designed for 7 days, but don’t stop there! You can easily incorporate these routines into your normal workout week once the challenge has ended. After the 7 day challenge, you can choose two workouts to do each week.  Any of these routines can be done at home or in the gym.

H.I.I.T your Arms Workout

H.I.I.T. stands for High Intensity Interval Training. H.I.I.T. alternates between high intensity exercise and short periods of rest, then repeats the sequence or circuit. Short periods of high intensity exercise followed by short periods of rest, burns more calories and subsequently more body fat than maintaining a steady pace.

This arm workout combines weight lifting, which targets the tricep and bicep muscles, and cardiovascular exercise, which targets the fat covering up the arm muscles. By combining strength training and cardio you are creating a powerful fat burning routine, making you a fat burning machine that continues to burn fat for up to 24 hours after the workout is over.

How to Get a Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program

Has your butt lost its round, youthful appearance? Did you know that it’s possible to reshape and build a bigger butt naturally? By naturally, we mean using exercises that are specifically for reshaping and sculpting your butt. Here’s a 28-Day program that is designed to give your butt a more youthful and sculpted look. 

If you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, or beyond, the get a bigger butt program is ideal for you. It is a comprehensive 28-Day program that targets every angle of the three gluteal muscles. Aging often has a negative effect on the glute muscles, causing them to droop and lose their youthful round and toned appearance. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned athlete, you can benefit from the How To Get A Bigger Butt in 28 Days Program.

21-Day Learn to Run Challenge

If you’re not a runner, you may not know every runner’s best kept secret: running is fun! Sure, starting out takes a bit of effort, but once you’ve built enough endurance to keep your stride for miles, you’ll find yourself loving your new favorite form of exercise. Running is an art. It takes an artist to synchronize your breath with your arm and leg movements, and keep your stride stable. And our running challenge is designed to turn you into one.

This 21-day run challenge is designed move you from cardio walking and jogging to briskly paced runs. We’ve incorporated strength training days strengthen your leg muscles as well as your bones and joints.

Best Summer Jams Workout Playlist

There’s a reason why musicians often release their feel-good singles each summer, in the hopes that their tune will become “the song of the summer”. When the warm weather hits, everyone loves a fun, uplifting, energetic song that sticks in their heads and has them singing under their breath all day long.

We’ve compiled a summer workout playlist of 13 songs that will make your summer sing! These upbeat tunes are the perfect accompaniment to a summer workout. From bouncy numbers like Boom Clap by Charli XCX to edgier tunes like Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, we’ll have your heart pumping. And of course, we’ve thrown in some nostalgic summer classics like Hot in Herre by Nelly, to keep your spirits as high as your kicks, lifts, and jumping jacks!

Fast and Fabulous Summer Workout

On a gorgeous summer day, it can be tempting to skip your trip to the gym in favor of beach time, dinner on the patio of your favorite restaurant, or backyard time with the kids. But you don’t need to sacrifice your workout, or your enjoyment of the beautiful summer weather. Our quick summer workout is designed to have you in and out of the gym in under 15 minutes.

Start out with bicep curls and work your way through a session packed with squats, jackknifes, and tricep kickbacks. This mini workout will hit all of your target areas, boost your metabolism, and have you out the door, feeling toned and energized, and ready to enjoy the rest of your day.

Beach Butt Workout

Come summertime, you’ll be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t love going to the beach. The combination of fresh ocean air, soft sand, warm sun, and rolling waves is all at once invigorating and calming. But each of these elements also puts the spotlight on your body. 

The reflection of the sun off the water and the sand, along with the scantily sized swimsuit that you’re dying to wear, is not so forgiving. All the more reason to grab a bottle of water and a set of dumbbells, and workout your butt, as you’ll want to look your best when you hit the sand and surf this season! Our beach butt workout will have you ready to hit the water in no time.

Read More On  Beach Butt Workout

How to Build Leg Muscle in 5 Moves

In shorts or bikinis, powerful legs always make a statement. Although some of us enjoy a lean and toned lower body, others enjoy having definition and growth in our legs. In order to achieve those results, you’re going to need to isolate your muscles. Our guide to building leg muscle is the perfect way to bulk up and make your legs a pair of powerhouses

15-Minute Total Body Bootcamp

Sometimes you’ve only got 15 minutes. Well Skinny Ms. says, why not make the most of that? You’d be surprised at what you can achieve in as little as 15 minutes just a few times per week. This total body bootcamp workout targets all of your problem areas and requires no trip to the gym. Life is good.

When you’re looking for a boot camp workout, make sure it covers all of the components that Skinny Ms. has included below. After all, you want to get the most tone for your time. Quick workouts can be the key for those reluctant exercisers who might otherwise insist they just don’t have the time. Everyone has 15 minutes. And so do YOU!

10-Minute Weightless Workout

Introducing the No More Excuses, Total Body Makeover, 10 minute weightless workout from Skinny Ms. You’ve told us your challenge again and again. There’s never enough time to exercise! So here it is. An easy, bodyweight workout that requires almost no time at all. In the time it takes you to write a Facebook post or check your email, you can transform your body with these simple bodyweight exercises that take only 10 minutes to perform. Try doing this workout 3-4 times per week (and check email 3-4 fewer times) and you’ll be healthier, hotter, and, let’s face it, probably more sane!

Exercise not only tones your body, but your mind as well. 10 minutes of time that takes your attention away from your computer or smartphone screen, and is devoted to your health and wellbeing will pay dividends physically, emotionally, and mentally. Can you really justify NOT taking 10 minutes for yourself now? We thought not!

15 Workouts in Under 10 Minutes

Ladies, start your engines! And start your timers too, because you only need 10 minutes for this collection of quick and effective workouts. Save time AND tone your body with your pick of 15 different targeted workouts for all areas of the body. Now you can fit fitness progress into your hectic schedule in just 10 minutes or less! Got a busy schedule, but no time to get in a workout? Grab one of these fast workout ideas to get fit and re-energize.

Think you still can’t fit a workout in? We know you’re busy. That’s why these Skinny Ms. fast workout routines are pocket-sized. Steal five minutes you normally would have allocated to email and Facebook, and voila! You’ve got 10 minutes. 

Now that you’ve found the time, scroll down and grab the 10 minute or less workout to fit your needs. The 10 minute workout world is your oyster, and these 15 quick workout ideas are your pearls! Try’ em on for size. We think you’ll like how they look.

7-Day HIIT your Belly Challenge

Many women who are dedicating to losing weight, getting fit, and shaping their bodies complain that their bellies are the last area to lose fat and look more toned and defined. This is a common concern, and our belly workout, which combines HIIT with Tabata and circuit training, is designed to tackle that tricky area of your body.

HIIT produces results in a short amount of time with intense, cardio-paced workouts that build strength and promote muscle definition. Tabata pushes you to work your hardest with minimal rest, while circuit training targets specific muscle groups while allowing others to rest. The combination of all three allow this 7 day belly workout challenge to show you real results.

No Time to Work Out, Workout

No longer can you say you have no time to workout. OK, you can still say it if you’d like, but it will no longer be true. Why? Introducing the Skinny Ms. No Time to Workout Workout! You know that we’re chock full of quick workout ideas, but this one really takes the cake.

You can do this almost anytime and almost anywhere, and for as little or as much time as you have available. You don’t need anything at all except yourself and just a smidgen of discipline. If you happen to have them around, a yoga mat and an interval timer could be useful, but don’t let lack of props hold you back! If ever there was a quick workout that would leave you with no excuses as to why you couldn’t do it or fit it into your space or schedule, this is it

13 Anytime Arm Workouts

You want the wind in your sailboat’s sails, but not in your underarm sails. Displaying a bit more waving action than you’d like when you wave goodbye? As always, Skinny Ms. is here to help. Before we go too far describing our easy arm workouts though, we want to reiterate, once again, that first and foremost, you should love yourself and your body just as you are! There is no such thing as the perfect body, and there never will be. However, when you exercise, it usually makes you feel good,  and that’s what we’re going for here: that, and improving your health!

To that end, this list of 13 easy arm workouts can be done pretty much anytime and pretty much anywhere. So, no excuses! As long as you can stand in one spot and have enough room to spread your arms widely, you’re good to go. And did we mention that they’re quick? Scroll down and choose one now to do in your office before your next meeting, or before your big date, or even while you’re on the phone. 

There are no rules! Perhaps use location discretion (your boss may or may not like you doing arm circles during your next meeting with your most important client), then we say to feel free to do these easy arm exercises anytime and anywhere the workout spirit moves you!

Read More On  13 Anytime Arm Workouts

7-Day Squat Challenge

Get results with this easy to follow workout plan. Squat exercises are great for those with little time, little experience, little space, or all of the above! You can literally stand in one spot and make progress by following this simple squat workout defined below.

We are challenging you to follow the plan for seven days. Come on now, you can do anything for one week! But we have a feeling you might keep going once you begin to see results.

Read More On  7-Day Squat Challenge

7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout

Butt been feelin’ a little bit down in the dumps? Maybe the droopy booty’s in need of a little lift? No problem! Skinny Ms. has the perfect 7-Minute Butt Lifting Workout to put your behind back up where it belongs. Many butt-lift workouts might seem too hard or overwhelmingly complex. Fear not. We have the princess of all glute workouts. She’s fierce and effective, yet gentle and kind. Ready to hear more? Read on below!

Skinny Ms. has cleverly set this 7-minute butt lifting workout up so that it leaves very little room for confusion and pretty much ZERO room for excuses. It’s short and sweet and requires very little equipment: just a set of dumbbells, a free interval timer app (try Gym boss), and your booty. 

Need a little extra convincing? Try taking a photo of your behind today. Then follow this workout for a week and take another photo at the end. Looking a little perkier? Even just a tad? Keep going! It only gets better from there.

7-Minute Flat Belly Workout

We have the flat belly workout solution. This super awesome, uber-targeted 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout will leave you feeling slim and trim. And even better? The endorphins it generates will keep a smile on your face and spring in your step. What better way to show off your new trim midriff than with a sassy attitude and confident outlook, right? So what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!

Not only is our 7-Minute Flat Belly Workout super effective, it’s super simple too. It’s a flat belly workout and an anti-workout excuse-buster all rolled into one. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Just scan below for proof. You can pretty much do this quick workout anytime, anywhere. 

And we’ve included easy-to-follow instructional videos to inspire and energize. Still finding excuses? Scroll just a bit further for some 5-minute workout suggestions. No excuse can stand against 5 minutes. Once you’ve mastered that, move up to 7. You can do it!

Sunday 13 December 2015

3 Moves to Reshape Your Butt

We know the trouble zones -the butt, the belly, thighs, OH MY! That’s why we keep working hard to bring you solutions to these relentlessly nagging body parts. And we find that narrowing your focus to just one troublesome body part at a time can really target your efforts and boost the results -and in this case, your butt!

Sick of all the butt exercises that don’t seem to do anything or make any difference? Well, worry no longer. We has compiled three of the all-time best but-lifting moves and put them together in one quick and easy-to-follow workout. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get going!

5 Best Fat-Burning HIIT Challenges

Whether you’re new to the gym or a fitness expert, you’ve probably heard of high-intensity interval training or HIIT. HIIT is a training style that alternates bursts of high-intensity exercise with short rest periods. For example, a HIIT workout might ask you to sprint for twenty seconds, then walk for ten. During the high-intensity period, you work to elevate your heart rate and challenge your muscles. The brief recovery period allows you a short rest before the next challenge.

7 Best Moves to Get Leaner Legs

The following leg workout incorporates seven powerful exercise moves designed to do double duty. This routine will get your heart rate up, making this a fat burning workout, while also building beautifully toned legs. Each move targets a different area. Glutes, thighs, hamstrings, and calves this workout has all your main muscles covered.

5 Tips for Starting a Fitness Routine

Take the dread out of getting fit! It really doesn’t have to seem like an chore to get a fitness routine going, and stick with it. You’re most likely to follow through if workouts are planned in advance and you have realistic goals that have some flexibility.

How to Choose the Right Fitness Tracker

Fitness trackers have become a new craze as the health-conscious work toward fulfilling their fitness goals. With a market full of options, it’s difficult to choose the right tracker to help you to meet your goals. Being aware of your past results allows you to prepare for the future, and fitness trackers have a wide array of features to get your body to its top peak.

Walk, Then Run: Fitness Challenge

The thought of running a few blocks may strike fear in your heart today, but give our run challenge two weeks of your life, and you’ll find yourself striding alongside the fittest joggers in your neighborhood. Our combo of cardio walking, jogging, and cross-training will have you running lengths you never thought possible!

Running Program for Absolute Beginners

Congratulations! You’ve tackled the first major step toward a new, healthier you. Just by clicking on this article, you’ve told yourself that becoming a runner is possible, and you’re right! Our Running Program for Beginners will help you take baby steps toward reaching your goals. 

The beginner’s running program, below, is designed for those with absolutely no running experience. But, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Once you get the go-ahead to start the program, pull that hair back, lace up those shoes, and let’s get started!