Monday 29 August 2016

6 Moves to Flat, Toned ABS

Tone and tighten your abs in just 6 moves! Increase and build core strength by working your ab muscles for a strong and lean body. This 6-minute core workout is designed to give you fabulous abs. Get ready to take inches off your waistline!

More Fitness On   6 Moves to Flat, Toned ABS

10 Free at-Home Yoga Workouts for Busy Moms

My mum was really into yoga when she was in her 40s, and since she was really weird about leaving me home alone until I was a hormonal teenager (at which point she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me), I got roped into taking a lot of yoga classes with her when I was a kid.

5 Tips to Build Muscle Fast

Men have a leg up on us ladies when it comes to the ability to develop and build lean muscle mass. They have a little hormone called testosterone that makes them all sorts of crazy but also gives them the ability to grow muscles at a much quicker and easier rate than women.Muscle curves and definition make us healthier and work harder to keep us fit!

For every pound of lean muscle you have, your body will burn 4.5 – 7 calories extra per day just to maintain that muscle (Livestrong). Strong is the new sexy, ladies, and we want to give you some tips on how to build lean, sexy muscle in time for this summer’s bikini season!

More Fitness On  5 Tips to Build Muscle Fast

9 Power Ring Exercises to Blast Thigh Jiggle

If you’re a regular with Pilates, you’re probably well-versed in the power ring and how to use it. But for those unfamiliar with this flexible circle of resistance, you’re missing out on some seriously great exercises that you can incorporate into your regular routine for toning, tightening and strengthening your muscles. If you want to blast the thigh jiggle, then look no further, because we’ve got what you’ve been missing! Check out these nine great power ring exercises that you should absolutely be doing.

Best Exercises for Arm Flab

It's obvious that as quickly as summer rolls about, so do the sleeveless leadings as well as outfits, inevitably leaving your feared arm jerk shaking around in all it's terrible magnificence. Well now it's time to rip the tags off of those storage tanks and also tube tops women, because we have the best transfer to claim farewell to your bat wings and hey there to those strict and also toned arms!

More Fitness On  Best Exercises For Arm Flab

24 Tips to Lose Weight Without Exercise

We all know that if we want to lose weight and stay in shape, eating well and exercising are pretty essential. But did you know you could lose weight without exercising or always eating healthy food? We aren’t suggesting that following these tips means you should cancel your gym membership and go on a food splurge (don’t). But doing some or all of the things in this roundup can certainly complement your weight-loss efforts. Ready?

9 Best Calf Toners

You work your quads, hamstrings, backside and thighs. But what about those shapely muscles right behind your legs that you may be ignoring? Yes, your calves. They may not be the first thing people notice about your gams, but if you develop nicely toned calves, it certainly will be. Think about some of those gorgeous celebrity legs in the latest high-heel shoe (hello, Carrie Underwood). It’s that curvy and toned calf that gives the legs that finishing touch making them look sexy, long and lean.

More Fitness On  9 Best Calf Toners

How to Burn More Calories on the Treadmill

Between the sloppy, muddy trails and Spring showers, unpredictable weather this time of year may be one reason to take refuge in your trusty ol' gym. Treadmills might feel safer and more controlled, but you might even find the workout feels a little easier. Don't sell yourself short! Use these tips to upgrade your treadmill time and maximize the benefits of your run.

Minute Full Body Chair Challenge

Let’s rethink the way you look at furniture. Instead of using a chair only for sitting, we’re going to change it into a universal gym. This 4-minute full body workout will help make your chair your new favorite piece of equipment. Stop sitting and start slimming!

10-Minute Power Workout

Did you know that you can get a fabulous, full-body workout in just 10 minutes? Simply follow along with the workout below. Go through each exercise the recommended number of times, or repetitions, and then circle back to complete them all twice more for a total of 3 rounds. This workout requires plenty of energy, so stock up on healthy snacks like the ones in our list of 12 Clean Eating Snacks for Weight Loss!

More Fitness On  10-Minute Power Workout

5 Best Exercises for Back Fat

Back fat is not a pretty sight. While it can feel soft to the touch - like when you are hugging a big, cuddly person - on the sexy scale back fat is pretty close to the bottom. This type of fat can be most obvious when a person is fully-clothed. For women, it shows up as a bulge around bra straps or tights shirts, and a too-tight-fitting t-shirt on a man can really accentuate this type of body fat.

6 Minutes to Amazing ABS

Great abs take hard work, but not long work. Instead of crunching for minute after minute, striving for length, we’ve created a quick ab workout to hit all of the major areas in your core, but also deliver a burn in a short amount of time. When it burns, you’ll know it’s working.

In addition to crunches, you’ll be adding in jacknifes, toe touches, heel touches, leg lifts, flutter kicks, and a Russian twist. This variety of exercises will leave no area of your core overlooked!

More Fitness On  6 Minutes to Amazing ABS

7- Day ABS Challenge

Beautifully defined abs are possible for anyone and at any age. For the next 7 days, you will be doing workouts designed to challenge you and your midsection. There’s more to creating toned and defined abs than crunches…a lot more, read on. After completion of this 7-day challenge, continue doing an ab routine 3 times weekly on non-consecutive days.

More Fitness On  7- Day ABS Challenge

Blast Cellulite with this Workout

If you want to reshape your legs while at the same time reducing cellulite, this workout is for you. Resistance training is a type of exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance. When performing this type of training it is expected that gains will be made in strength, tone, mass and endurance. The most commonly used equipment in resistance training are dumbbells, weighted barbells, exercise machines and workout/resistance bands.

30 Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Like it or not, your body needs fat to stay healthy and strong. As with most things in life, though, moderation is key. Carrying excess fat on your body discourages healthy body function and can lead to a number of serious health risks. Whether you’re looking to lower your blood pressure, or you want to look good in that bathing suit this summer, sometimes you just want to eliminate fat fast. We can help!

Read More On  30 Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Lose Weight While you Sleep

The original thought is, the more active you are, the more fat you lose by burning extra calories. The truth is, everything in life has its own balance. Getting enough sleep is often the extra ingredient to leading a healthy life and loosing weight.

People who sleep less than the 7-8 hours recommended per day are 30% more likely to gain weight, or worse, develop an obesity condition. Sleep helps to regulate the hormones that cause hunger, increases productivity at the gym, and allows muscles to recover and regenerate.

Some studies suggest that adults sleeping between 7-9 hours can burn as much as 114 extra calories daily than those who sleep 5 hours or less a day, just by letting your muscles fully recover after workouts. Now, that sounds more like it, right?

10 Most Effective Butt Exercises

Everyone wants to get in shape as soon as they sense that summer is around the corner. However, shaping up means different things to different people.

While guys focus on losing a few pounds and buffing up their chest and arms, most girls and some guys like to sculpt the perfect derriere that will give them the confidence to strut around town in those tight new jeans. If you want to really target the glutes, you’ll definitely need some of these great butt exercises.

5 Best Exercises For Strong Toned Butt

Ready for a Beyonce-esque booty? Well, you may be ultimately able to ditch those squats. "Squats aren't bad, yet if you actually want to tone and also tighten you'll should differ your exercise with exercises that attack different muscular tissues, including the hamstrings as well as back," claims Greg Corso, individual fitness instructor and also coach at Sports Club LA in Miami.

And also it ends up that toning up your rear won't just make you bootylicious-- the butt is the biggest as well as strongest muscle in the organization, so placing it to function could accelerate your metabolism and also assist you burn off calories, too. We touched Corso to disclose the workouts that will actually tighten your behind, so you can stop cursing your lack of Queen Bey genes as well as sculpt your glutes in no time.

7 Types of Squats for a Better Butt

Everyone wants a better butt, whether to show it off in a bikini, daisy dukes, or skinny jeans! Are you happy with your “donk” right now? If not, we are about to give you 7 fabulous new ways to give yourself a butt lift. 

Take it from us, these squats will work your butt muscles better than any amount of cardio! You shouldn’t be doing the same type of squats every time you workout. These 6 types of squats were chosen because they range from easy to difficult and can be either modified for beginners, or performed with a heavier weight to make them more difficult. Try out our 7 Types of Squats for a Better Butt to start seeing changes!

21 Weight Loss Tips you Have Probably Never Tried

What a unique and fun way to stay motivated! Each marble or pebble is a nice visual reminder of what you’ve accomplished. Just about any glass jars will do, and you could substitute the marbles for other small items, too.

9 Kettlebell Workouts for Full Body Sculpting

If you’ve been passing by the kettlebells at the gym, you’ve been missing out on one of the most beneficial pieces of workout equipment. With fat burning and advanced muscle sculpting through forced stability, these kettlebell routines will work wonders.

Want to train at home? The Hers 30lb Kettlebell Weight Kit is the perfect set to help you train with kettlebells regardless of your experience level.

5-Minute HIIT Challenge

Looking for a quick workout or an easy cardio challenge? A bit short on time, but need to get your butt in gear? Skinny Ms. has the HIIT challenge solution for you! This high intensity interval training challenge takes only five minutes of your precious time. That’s right, only FIVE minutes!
And all you need is yourself, some dumbbells, and an interval timer (Gymboss is a free app). You can do it! Imagine how great you’d feel if you did it every day.

Read More On  5-Minute HIIT Challenge

7 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

The Skinny Ms. 7 Best Exercises for Weight Loss is an easy to follow program with exercises designed to target fat loss. Grab your dumbbells, and get started. You can perform this workout up to four times per week to rev up metabolism, burn calories, and start to melt those extra pounds and inches. So get started!

Equipment Needed: Interval timer (Gymboss is a free downloadable app), light-medium dumbbells (5-10 lbs)

What to Do: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds after each one. For maximum fat burning results, perform this workout 3 to 4 times per week on non-consecutive days.

6 Minutes and 6 Moves is all you Need for Gorgeous, Toned Arms

Whether you're waiting for the coffee to brew, catching a few TV commercials, or have a couple minutes before bed, you can squeeze in this six-minute workout! You'll notice a difference in your strength and in the look of your arms by doing this workout regularly. Grab a set of dumbbells (three- to six-pounders) and repeat this six-exercise, three-minute circuit twice through.

12 Dumbbell Exercises For Strong, Chiseled Arms

When you want to isolate specific muscle groups in the arms, using dumbbells is truly effective get ready to feel the burn! Depending on your strength, grab at least two size weights ranging from five to 15 pounds so you can switch up the appropriate size dumbbells for each move.

How to Win in the Battle Against Back Fat

Back bulge around the bra area and that pesky muffin top plague plenty of women, and there are lots of ways to feel more confident in your own skin with a little extra effort. Spot-reducing doesn't work but these healthy tips can help you achieve the results you're after!

4-Week Total Body Workout Calendar

This 4-week workout calendar offers five series of workout styles to keep your body on edge. Variety forces your body to adapt. The better you are at adapting, the stronger your body becomes and the greater your results.

Lower Body Kettlebell Workout

Want to tighten and tone your entire lower body without a ton of cardio? Kettlebells have made an explosive impact on the fitness world in more ways than one. Not only do they tone your body from head to toe, but they offer an explosive component to the workout that gets your heart rate up!

10 Reasons you aren’t Losing Weight

If you’re crashing hard on the weight loss plateau, you understand how frustrating it is to see that scale stuck at the same old number. The good news is that losing weight can sometimes be as simple as making small, but important, lifestyle changes. Read on for 10 reasons you aren’t losing weight:

14-Minute Advanced Workout

If you’re short on time but want a challenging workout that will push you to the limit, this workout is for you. This advanced workout targets every single major muscle group through various compound exercises. The high intensity and circuit routine also provides you with the benefit of any 14 minute cardio run. This is the perfect workout for all fitness levels.

H.I.I.T the Treadmill

The treadmill is the queen of fat burning machines. It can help you burn off the layers covering up your toned muscles, if used correctly! This H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) treadmill workout is going to push you to the max when it comes to your cardiovascular health. It’s not going to feel great the first time, or maybe even the second, but eventually it’s going to feel fantastic while you’re looking fantastic.

Read More On  H.I.I.T the Treadmill

7-Day Boot Camp Challenge

Get up off your bum and get ready for this intense 7-Day Boot Camp Challenge! Whether it’s rain, snow, or shine outside you have no excuse to miss one of these workouts. We are just asking for 7 of your days. Think of this like a workout “cleanse”. We want to challenge you to stay committed to these 7 workouts to revitalize your usual regimen.

Strengthening Shoulder Workout to Prevent Injuries

If you’re reading this, chances are that you weight lift, and if you’re lifting weights you are definitely adding strain to your shoulders. Consider that nearly every workout you do which involves a dumbbell or bar involves your shoulders in some form. We may workout our larger shoulder muscles but we tend to neglect the minor ones.

9 Apps to Help you Lose Weight

Making a lifestyle change and resolving to lose weight can be overwhelming. Luckily, technology is here to save the day with these 9 fantastic apps to help you lose weight! These apps monitor every detail, from exercise to diet, to help you stay fit and healthy!

7 Medicine Ball Moves to a Stronger Core

Time to tone that core, stability ball-style! In order to get lean and mean abs, you need to challenge them. The stability ball is a great exercise tool to utilize either in the gym, or at home! Don’t be afraid to try something new. Changing up your equipment, exercises, or even types of cardio is a great way to jump start your workout.

5 Minute Morning Workout to Kickstart your Day

A good night’s rest and you’re ready for the day ahead. Before you start your day, treat yourself to a quick routine that will keep you energized and upbeat for the day. Not only that, but it will set your metabolism on fire! Once your metabolism is revved up in the morning, it just keeps working throughout the day, giving you a fat blasting advantage! Advantages are always good.

Total Body Office Workout

Our op-ed, Are You Sitting Down? It May Be Cutting Your Life Expectancy, explained the dangers of a lifestyle that demands that we be seated for the majority of the work day. Slash the risks of a sedentary lifestyle and get moving with our office workout!

This total body at-work workout is meant to keep your body active during your workday and to help fight off any negative effects that sitting has on your body. Not only will you feel good physically, but you’ll be more alert and energized during the work day.

Get Up and Move Workout for Home or Office

You have to admit that sitting at your home office or at a desk at work all day can be an extreme pain. Literally. Why not try a workout that’s easy for you to do no matter where you are? If you get stuck at the office late one night, but really want to get in your workout for the day, just try this Get Up and Move Workout for Home or Office! You don’t need a set of weights to get a good workout in!

11 Best Stability Ball Moves

Need some fun, fresh exercises? Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from traditional activity and break out new exercise equipment. The stability ball a great way to challenge your balance and use your body weight as resistance! Get a killer bod with these 11 Best Stability Ball Moves!

These stability ball exercises will have your abs, legs, and arms feeling it the next day! They are going to challenge your balance as you try to stabilize yourself on the ball, and if you ever feel unstable during an exercise, or that it is too difficult, then feel free to stop. We don’t want you to hurt yourself, but we do want to challenge you to improve your fitness abilities!

Essential Workout for Runners

Running is one of the most effective forms of cardio to shape and tone your body from head to toe. However, it can also be the number one cause of overuse injuries, ankle sprains, or shin splints. There are many ways to make sure you are taking all the necessary precautions to be the safest, strongest runner you can be. One thing runners tend to do that ends up hurting them is running excessively and not strength training enough to support their running habits.

7 Moves for Instant Energy

Everyone has a busy schedules complete with endless meetings or family demands that leave them exhausted by the end of the day. It’s easy to get home in the evening and give up on exercising or cooking a healthy meal. Many even feel too tired to play with their kids. Which is exactly why you need these 7 Moves for Instant Energy!

Research has found that just getting up off the couch and elevating your heart rate can jumpstart your body into producing more energy for activity. Since you’re going to want and need energy for family time after work, or maybe a fun night out, the first step is just getting off your bum! For instant energy get your heart rate up with these exercises.

Great Abs Without Crunches

How many infomercials have you seen on TV that promise to make crunches “easier” or “more effective”? Crunches may be a sure way to get your abs burning, but we all get burnt out after doing a dozens of them at a time. So why not try exercises that are more fun in order to get your abs ripped?

This workout may look easy at first, but don’t be surprised when about half way through your abs feel like they are on fire! And remember to incorporate cardio and healthy eating into your weekly routine. Someone once said that “abs are made in the kitchen”. Eating healthy and doing cardio will help keep fat from covering up your abdominal muscles, but you also need to strengthen them to get definition!

15 Yoga Poses to Zen Out your Body

Ommmm. Life needs balance. For every cause there is an effect, and for every action there is a reaction. The Universe works on balance and bringing harmony in order for everything to exist the way it does. For some reason, our lives tend to travel away from balance, and we end up in chaos. It’s time to take back control.

Yoga has been at the forefront for the past decade, but it has been ever-present for centuries. The benefits of yoga are numerous. Slow, controlled movements. Strong breaths that create focus and awareness of your body as a whole, as well as all of its individual parts. Increased flexibility. Upper and lower body strength. Decreasing blood pressure.

30 Day Tricep Challenge

A lot can change in 30 days. 30 days is 4 weeks, and 4 weeks of hard work brings results, especially if you concentrate on one specific area. Strong, sexy, toned triceps. You want them. You need them. We have them for you. Put your order in now and in 30 days we’ll deliver them right to your bed when you wake up.

This 30-day challenge is going to take everything out of your triceps. All muscles provide a different type of burning sensation when you workout, and triceps are one of our favorites. Being the bigger muscle compared to the bicep, there is so much untapped strength and potential in the tricep. 

Once you wrap up, you’ll see how firm and toned your triceps are, and you’ll love every second of that burn! 3 workouts a week for 30 days. That’s 12 work days and 16 rest days. Make sure you work hard!

Read More On  30 Day Tricep Challenge

30 Day Beginner’s Running Challenge

We’ve all been there. Lacing up for the first time ever or lacing up after taking a long period off is rough. That first run always makes you wonder “Why am I doing this?” At times you want to quit, but you want the benefits that come from running. The key to great running and increasing your mileage is to be on your feet as long as possible. Our 30-day Beginner’s Running Challenge will make a you fall in love with running by day 15!

All-in-One Total Body Workout

Who has time to get to the gym every single day of the week? Hardly anyone. We want you to have this All-In-One Total Body Workout to make sure you’re getting the maximum burning benefits for your body. There are many benefits to working your body as a whole versus just one muscle group at a time. It saves time in the gym and is going to help you build both upper and lower body strength!

Love your Lower Belly Workout

Fact: Everyone wants a tight and toned belly. However the lower belly is one of the most difficult areas to keep flat. Your abs are their own muscle group, which is why it’s important to not forget to do abdominal exercises. Show your lower belly some love with these quick toning exercises.

These are not all magical moves though. In order to keep your lower belly flat remember to always add cardio to your weekly workout routine and eat clean! For tips on how to eat clean check out our Top 25 Flat Belly Foods!

13 Ways to Transform your Body

Whether you’re traveling or just don’t have space in your home for clunky workout equipment, we’ve got you covered. These workouts provide options that will slim down your waist, tighten your butt and core, and make those arms toned and sexy. With so many options, you have a variety of ways to make sure you get your routine in!

Hard Core Yoga

I know what you’re thinking. Hardcore Yoga? No thanks. But wait! It’s not hardcore, it’s HardCORE! CORE as in abs. A sleek pair of hard abs will make you feel sexy and strong. Yoga is normally practiced as a full body workout, but if you create a routine of poses to target specific muscle groups, the results will be phenomenal.

This routine will strengthen your upper abs and those pesky lowers abs and obliques. Most importantly, we’ll also target the spine and lower back, as they are part of your core. Since focus is important in yoga, all those minor and stabilizer muscles will be used to shred that midsection. A strong core is central to everyday life.  If you’re feeling strong, check out our BONUS Telasana Core Pose below!

Read More On Hard Core Yoga

11 Ways to Get in Shape for Workout Haters

Who says working out has to be boring and time consuming? Switching up your workout routine and doing something you love can make working out fun and enjoyable. Here at SkinnyMs, we have compiled 11 quick and fun fat blasting workouts, for all you workout haters. Give one a try and see for yourself!