Tuesday 16 August 2016

Okay to Fall off the Fitness Wagon

It starts out as no big deal. You miss a workout here. Another one there. Hey, you’re busy, right? But before you know it, you can’t remember the last time you broke a sweat, and the cat has made your pile of workout clothing into a bed. Losing the motivation to work out can happen all too fast and the fact is it can happen to anyone. Don’t panic or give up. Here’s why it’s okay to fall off the fitness wagon.

Each misstep brings you one step closer to success.

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a clean-eating lifestyle or trying to stay on the fitness wagon, change is a journey one that will have backtracks and wrong turns. Maintain a fitness journal so you can see over time how far you’ve come on this journey it will keep you motivated to stay active and fit. Try it with our 30-Day Fitness Journal Challenge.

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