Wednesday 21 September 2016

Fat Blasting HIIT Workout – Burn Fat up to 24 Hours

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), typically includes a short warm up, followed by 6-10 high intensity exercises, with low intensity recovery periods or rest, and lastly a cool down.  When performing the intensity workout portion, near maximum effort is required.  HIIT usually lasts between 15 – 20 minutes.

Keep in mind that HIIT increases the amount of fat burn during exercise routines and continues to do so for up to 24 hours.  The time it takes the body to recover from each training period takes longer than if doing a steady pace while training, which is why caloric/fat burn continues for a period of time after exercise is over.

5 Minute Workout Challenge

In our fast-paced world, we always look for ways to do things faster, but we tend to wonder, “Will it really work?”  You may be wondering if you can really accomplish much with a 5-minute workout. The answer is “Yes!”

4-Minute Afternoon Burn

Burn fat for up to 24 hours with this Tabata 4 minute workout.

Equipment Needed: yoga mat; interval timer

What to Do: Perform each move for 20 secs; rest 10 secs after each move; repeat circuit 2 times; perform Afternoon Burn 3 times weekly for best result. Review the videos below for exercise demonstrations.

Read More On  4-Minute Afternoon Burn

7 Moves to Leaner Hips and Thighs

Get leaner and stronger hips and thighs in just seven moves with this workout focused on the lower body! Want to trim some inches from your lower half while shaping a sexy butt and legs? This routine, from Erin Reilly, a nationally certified fitness instructor, targets those stubborn body parts that simply don’t want to cooperate. Included are instructions for all fitness levels. Review the videos below for exercise demonstrations.

6 Minute Workout for Better Sleep

This is a mini workout for beginners designed to tone, define, and get your heart rate up just enough so that you can then put your head on your pillow and fall right to sleep! These before-sleeping workout exercises use your own bodyweight to perform 6 moves. All you need is some commitment and determination to perform this workout every night, 365 days a year. This is absolutely doable as this routine takes just 6 minutes including rest periods!

7 Exercises to Do Right Out of Bed

In our busy lives, our workouts are usually what fall to the bottom of the priority list. The solution to our daily workout routines being nixed? Do a workout first thing in the morning when you wake up. That way it’s out of the way and checked off, giving you a little pep in your step for the rest of the day! These routine exercises will boost your metabolism, so you can feel the effects for the next 24 hours. Here are some of our favorite moves to do right out of bed!

11 No Excuse Workouts that Can be Done Absolutely Anywhere

Is your schedule hectic with work, family, or both? Do you ever find yourself pushing your workout aside for another day? Well, these 11 no excuse workouts can be done just about anywhere, and will have you in shape in no time. All you need is a few minutes each day to make it happen.