Wednesday 21 September 2016

Fat Blasting HIIT Workout – Burn Fat up to 24 Hours

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), typically includes a short warm up, followed by 6-10 high intensity exercises, with low intensity recovery periods or rest, and lastly a cool down.  When performing the intensity workout portion, near maximum effort is required.  HIIT usually lasts between 15 – 20 minutes.

Keep in mind that HIIT increases the amount of fat burn during exercise routines and continues to do so for up to 24 hours.  The time it takes the body to recover from each training period takes longer than if doing a steady pace while training, which is why caloric/fat burn continues for a period of time after exercise is over.

5 Minute Workout Challenge

In our fast-paced world, we always look for ways to do things faster, but we tend to wonder, “Will it really work?”  You may be wondering if you can really accomplish much with a 5-minute workout. The answer is “Yes!”

4-Minute Afternoon Burn

Burn fat for up to 24 hours with this Tabata 4 minute workout.

Equipment Needed: yoga mat; interval timer

What to Do: Perform each move for 20 secs; rest 10 secs after each move; repeat circuit 2 times; perform Afternoon Burn 3 times weekly for best result. Review the videos below for exercise demonstrations.

Read More On  4-Minute Afternoon Burn

7 Moves to Leaner Hips and Thighs

Get leaner and stronger hips and thighs in just seven moves with this workout focused on the lower body! Want to trim some inches from your lower half while shaping a sexy butt and legs? This routine, from Erin Reilly, a nationally certified fitness instructor, targets those stubborn body parts that simply don’t want to cooperate. Included are instructions for all fitness levels. Review the videos below for exercise demonstrations.

6 Minute Workout for Better Sleep

This is a mini workout for beginners designed to tone, define, and get your heart rate up just enough so that you can then put your head on your pillow and fall right to sleep! These before-sleeping workout exercises use your own bodyweight to perform 6 moves. All you need is some commitment and determination to perform this workout every night, 365 days a year. This is absolutely doable as this routine takes just 6 minutes including rest periods!

7 Exercises to Do Right Out of Bed

In our busy lives, our workouts are usually what fall to the bottom of the priority list. The solution to our daily workout routines being nixed? Do a workout first thing in the morning when you wake up. That way it’s out of the way and checked off, giving you a little pep in your step for the rest of the day! These routine exercises will boost your metabolism, so you can feel the effects for the next 24 hours. Here are some of our favorite moves to do right out of bed!

11 No Excuse Workouts that Can be Done Absolutely Anywhere

Is your schedule hectic with work, family, or both? Do you ever find yourself pushing your workout aside for another day? Well, these 11 no excuse workouts can be done just about anywhere, and will have you in shape in no time. All you need is a few minutes each day to make it happen.

Top 27 Best Yoga Asanas for Losing Weight Quickly and Easily

Yoga is an ancient practice followed and practiced by many around the globe. It has benefited everyone who has regularly practiced the age-old form of exercise. In today’s fast paced age, people look up to yoga as a perfect exercise for a healthy body and stress-free life.

Practicing yoga on a daily basis has certainly helped many people in reducing and gaining weight. People often blame their genes for being overweight or underweight. But that is not the case every time. It’s not always the genetic makeup that is responsible for weight gain. Our lifestyle and eating habits also play a negative role in weight gain. There is a lot more you can do to reduce weight naturally. Power yoga is a healthy and effective weight loss option. Yoga for weight loss for women is a popular choice these days!

5 Moves for Flat Abs

Pregnancy does a number on your core. New mom and fitness expert Sara Haley recommends exercises that target the transverse abdominal, the innermost stomach muscles that act like a corset, cinching everything together. Perform these moves three times a week for a show-off stomach. If you've recently given birth, get your doctor's approval first.

Read More On 5 Moves for Flat Abs

5 Yoga Poses for Flat Abs

Lie on your back with your legs and arms straight up above you and reaching to the ceiling. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor, keeping your neck and head relaxed. Move your right arm and leg down at the same time you lift your left arm and leg up, making a scissors motion with both arms and legs. Breathe deeply as you scissor. To modify, place your hands behind your head for neck support, and bend your knees slightly. Repeat for 16 to 20 reps.

How to Use Yoga for Weight Loss

We look at gorgeous celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, who swear by the yoga lifestyle and can’t help but feel inspired. Yoga has always felt like a more relaxing, form of fitness, especially helpful when it comes to stress relief – but can it really help us to lose weight?

When it comes to yoga and weight loss, the style of yoga becomes an important factor, if the focus of the yoga practice is too restorative or meditative the muscular and cardiovascular requirements for weight loss and toning simply aren’t there, says Nick Bez, certified yoga instructor with LifePower Yoga at Life Time Fitness. That’s not to say you should seek the nearest yoga class and expect to walk out five pounds lighter though!

22 Best Exercises to Sculpt your Core

Core muscles are some of the weakest muscle groups on women, even though it’s a set of muscles we use in most of our daily activities. Years of bad form and improper posture weaken the muscles and cause pain where we don’t need it (and definitely don’t want it). 

If you continuously experience lower back pain or know you have weak stomach muscles, you should incorporate abdominal and back exercises into your routines at least 3-4 days a week. Before starting any new exercise routine, especially with preexisting conditions, be sure to consult your physician.

The 22 moves below are exercises that directly work the core muscles or are total body moves that keep the core engaged throughout the whole sequence. Proper form is of the utmost importance. Before adding additional reps or extra challenges with weights or other equipment (stability ball, medicine ball, resistance bands, etc.), be sure you have mastered the simplest form of the move.

9 Moves to Lose your Love Handles

Whether you call them your love handles or muffin tops, there’s nothing lovey or yummy about them! Seriously who gave them that name anyways? What’s one to do to get rid of one’s “handles”? Well first, as the saying goes “abs are made in the kitchen”, so eating a balanced, whole foods, nutrient-dense diet is key to a flat tummy. 

Secondly, we must strengthen and tighten our oblique muscles. These 9 exercises are fabulous compound moves that benefit a lot of trouble areas, but they pay special attention to our core. Get ready to whittle your middle with these mommy-approved moves!

3 Effective Massages for Weight Loss

People who are looking for natural ways to lose weight should definitely try some body massage! As we all know, massages always make us feel great. They help you get rid of stress and rejuvenate you from head to toe at the same time. If you are suffering from some kind of injury, you can always expect a good massage to rescue yourself from all the pain and anxiety. 

But, the question here is, what kind of massage should you get to lose weight? Yes, there are various kinds of massages that you can get done! And some work effectively to help lose weight.

Legs and Booty Bootcamp

Time to make that booty work! Real Mom Model Tina counts you through three rounds: 30 reps of each exercise followed by round two of 20 reps and round three of 10 reps. Between each set, you’ll perform high knees (30, 20, then 10). This workout will activate the glutes, abductors, obliques, quads and hamstrings. Give them a good stretch before and after. Click here for a basic warm up!

12 Exercises to Get Rid of your Mummy Tummy

Do you really want to have those standard abdominals that you have consistently intended? Various other individuals attempt Pilates as well as various other workouts to obtain rid of those fats as well as changing it with stunning standard abdominals. It's since accomplishing those excellent level abdominals is really hard to acquire and also requires appropriate exercise application.

Get it Right, Get it Tight: Weighted Arm Circles

Step 1: Grab a pair of dumbbells, soup cans, water bottles, anything around the house for some resistance. Stand with the feet under the shoulders and extend the arms out to the sides.

Step 2: Keeping the chest tall and shoulders dropped, begin moving the weights in a circle. For the first 30 seconds, go forward. For the last 30 seconds, go backward.

7 Effective Ways to Use Aloe Vera for Weight Loss

Is your weight turning into a nightmare for you? Are you dying to shed off those additional pounds accumulated around your waist line? Do you really want to leave no stone unturned to get into your favorite little black dress?

I’m not going to advise you to exercise day and night or stay starved. All you need to do is learn about the effective weight-loss power of the ‘miracle plant’ aloe vera and make the most of it. As you already know, aloe vera is packed with numerous medicinal as well as beauty benefits. 

But you can actually include the gel or juice extracted from this plant in your daily weight loss diet for getting rid of excess body fat dramatically. The most interesting part is that it is an all-natural process with no adverse effects.

18 Heart-Pumping Bodyweight Moves

Who needs to spend hours on the treadmill when you can get your heart-pumping cardio on in less than 20 minutes? Maximize your time and see better results with these 18 incredibly effective body weight moves. Get ready to feel the burn from head to toe and get more accomplished in one workout than ever before.

1. Mountain Climber: (1) Get in a push up position. Your body should be in a straight, diagonal line from your head to your toes. (2) Raise your right knee toward your chest. (3) Kick the right leg back as the left leg comes forward. The feet only touch the floor when they return to the back. That’s one rep.  (4) Alternate legs quickly for 60 seconds. Modification: Decrease your speed or range of motion.

10 Core Exercises to Flatten your Belly Quickly

Who doesn’t want a tight and toned core, and perhaps abs that pop? In addition to looking great, a strong core really cuts down on back soreness and aches and pains, so core training isn’t just vanity, it’s healthy!

Here are some of our favorite core-strengthening exercises to get you baring your belly and standing straighter than ever.

How to Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat can make your jeans feel extra snug, but really there's something way worse about the stuff: When white fat expands in your abdomen nestling deep among your organs, it sets you up for some serious health trouble.

We know that this type of fat  called visceral fat churns out stress hormones like cortisol and inflammatory substances called cytokines that affect the body's production of insulin. The result: Besides obesity, you're also looking at increased risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. No thanks. Check out these nine tips to finally rid your body of that excess stomach.

Read More On  How to Lose Belly Fat

8 Exercises that Burn More Calories than Running

With the increase in the number of people becoming overweight and obese today, more and more people are looking for ways to burn more calories faster. Running is a good way to burn calories and lose weight and a large number of people have found that running does really help them get rid of the extra pounds. While running is convenient and does not require any equipment apart from a good pair of running shoes, there are many other exercises which can really help you burn more calories. Here’s a look at some of the exercises that burn more calories than running.

12 Workouts for the Treadmill

Winter is not the best time for runners. As cold fronts come sweeping in, those freezing temperatures don’t exactly make you want to hit the trails. It’s times like these when we call upon the trusty treadmill, but unfortunately the scenery isn’t nearly as nice. That’s why we like to switch up our workouts with intervals and hills to keep our legs moving, our heart pumping, and our mind alert!

Don’t let the cold weather stop you, take it indoors with these exciting treadmill workouts! Need some tunes to keep your feet moving check out our Best of 2014 playlist. We think it’s a perfect fit for tough sweat sessions.

Top 7 Exercises Making Six Pack Abs Workout Injury Free

Want to sculpt sexy six pack abs, but do not like to perform crunches?

No, you don’t have to worry at all, you can get the killer six pack abs without performing the crunches, as there are many exercises which can give you rock solid six pack abs without performing crunches.

For developing a strong core, you don’t simply depends on crunches. Crunches are good exercise but not the best. Doing hundreds of crunches can lead to boredom also increase risk of back injury.

10 Things your Yoga Teacher Wants you to Know

1. Let. Go. Of. Comparison.

We all walk onto the mat with unique strengths and weaknesses.  No two bodies are the same. The mirror in the front shouldn’t reflect all 20 bodies doing the exact same thing. Some people are able to go deeper; others must make modifications; and we are all at different stages of our practice.  Yoga is not a competition.

2.  Yoga isn’t about how you look it’s about how you feel.

Teachers don’t care what type of clothes you wear or how messy your hair gets during class, and neither should you. Teachers aren’t concerned with whether you’re able to fully straighten your leg or not. As long as you’re not doing anything dangerous, we want the pose to be your own.

Beginner Guide to Interval Training

Research from the Mayo Clinic and several universities has proven that interval training is more effective than your average cardio workout. Oh and it’s do-able in less than half the time. But, before you get started on your HIIT routine, know your fitness level. This isn’t easy work and you really have to push yourself or you won’t be getting the full advantage. 

In fact, if you are prone to taking lots of breaks, prep yourself. The key to interval training is the rapid increase in heart rate between SHORT periods of rest. Your exertion should be much more than your break. But, it’s super important to actively rest. Keep moving between the high intensity intervals.

28 Simple Home Remedies for Weight Loss

The confectionaries at the parties may be luring, but owing to obesity one must ignore them. Not just young women and men suffer from increased stress due to obesity, but kids and older people also confront with this problem. Lack of exercise and unbalanced diet are considered as the root cause of obesity. Hereditary and hormonal imbalance are some other reasons. Then how to get rid of obesity? The following are a few effective weight loss tips that you can follow to shed those unwanted pounds.

21 Proven Home Remedies to Get Rid of Water Weight

When your body retains fluid in the blood tissues and circulatory system, it results in water weight that not only changes your look, but also makes you feel tired. Once in a while, temporary water weight gain shows up in every one. If you find your ankles, feet and hands puffy, then you have gained water weight. This may result from lack of physical workout, incorrect medication, dehydration, dieting, alcohol, periods, high dosage of sodium or sugar, lack of protein and vitamins, etc.

A few dietary changes can help you lose that pesky water weight.  You can shed around three pounds in a day with a strict diet. There are several ways to bid adieus to water weight naturally. However, if you have serious health issues related to kidney, liver or the heart, it is advisable to consult a doctor before undertaking these measures. Here, are some remedies to reduce water weight.

24 Effortless Fitness Hacks for Slimmer and Healthy Body

Do I need to exercise every time to get a slimmer body? This question might pop up in your mind every now and then. The answer is not necessarily.  Due to some health conditions, lack of interest or time, there is one amazing principle that you should follow: “Burn more calories than you take in.” This rule works wonders when accompanied with strict diet chart followed by a moderate workout activity like dancing, swimming, cycling or simply walking. 

Drink a lot of water, control your calorie intake by maintaining a stringent diet plan, stay active and remain accountable for every step you take and make reinforcements in your diet plan from time to time so as to keep yourself motivated. These are some of the common factors, which will reap positive rewards in your overall health and lifestyle. You can manage your weight diligently by simple tips and tricks. Read this article to find out effortless fitness hacks for a slimmer and healthy body without exercising.

15 Simple Homemade Weight Loss Shakes

Weight loss shakes make a perfect meal replacement option for those looking forward to put off some pounds in a healthy manner. Meal replacement shakes are one among the fitness secrets followed by celebrities and other fitness enthusiasts all over the world. Protein shakes can keep you full until the next meal. Thus, prevent you from eating junk to satisfy small hunger arising at times.

Read some of best weight loss shakes recipes that take only 5 minutes of prep time. But, before that, keep the following points in mind to you make nutritious protein shake:

46 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Belly Fat

A sexy flat belly is coveted by almost everyone; toned stomach as it is the hallmark of a healthy body.  But once you gain abdominal fat, it becomes really difficult to get rid of the belly bulge. Abdominal or belly fat is not only unsightly but also increases the risk of health hazards including blood pressure, diabetes, and dementia, even at an early age. 

Some common causes of belly fat are stress, alcoholism, lack of physical activity, menopause, unhealthy eating habits, improper digestion, slow metabolic rate and genetics. Here are some easy home remedies that will help you get rid of that unwanted belly fat.  Whether you are a female or male, these home and herbal remedies will certainly work for you.

18 Exciting Workouts to Get Rid of Back Fat

Back fat is not easy to deal with and looks awkward when you wear a strapless dress. Excess flab on your back or any other part of your body can make you look awful along with reducing your self-esteem. Dealing with the fat on the front of your body is easy, but reducing your back bulge could be a bit difficult. Well, it’s not an impossible task to get rid of back fat, and you can get a slim-trim figure with the help of the following workouts.

13 Workout Hacks for Building Muscle

You must have observed that everyone talks about building muscles because they want an appealing physique; especially men, but increasingly women too. That’s because the athletic look is in these days. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, muscles also exhibit positive qualities like self-discipline & control and come in handy when you need to do the occasional physical work like carrying large suitcases or help moving furniture. 

But they are actually useful too. They safeguard you against obesity, maintain good metabolic health & bone strength in old age, improve disease recovery, and reduce the risk of injury. All in all, muscle building is a stop-gap solution to avoid the inevitable fall of strength & ability. So, everyone should take up weight training without the apprehension of gaining big and bulky muscles. We are here to enlighten you with a few hacks that help build muscles quickly.

53 Exceptional Super Foods that Burn Fat

Someone has correctly said you become what you eat. Your mental and physical health directly or indirectly depends on your diet. If you want to keep your weight under control, then a few changes in lifestyle have to be made. To initiate this process, make your diet wholesome and balanced. Eat something that is a combination of taste and health. 

Instead of munching on your favorite chocolate bar or pumpkin pie, look for some healthy options. Along with nutritious foods, include exercise in your daily schedule. Acquaint yourself with the super foods that will burn fat by suppressing appetite and boosting your metabolism, thereby helping you get back in the shape.

14 Post-Workout Hacks to Energize yourself

Keeping your body fit demands a lot of care. Beginners will have to drag their lazy bum out of the bed and push themselves to do a crunching workout. It requires inspiration, often termed these days as “fitspiration”. To achieve this fitness perfection, a consistent workout is highly important while making sure that you do not overdo the physical routine.

Reading those good-old inspiring quotes or pasting those motivational posters on the walls of your rooms would help you a good deal, that way you’ll always manage to find ways to go for workout. The most common excuse to skip workout is, “I feel tired after a workout and don’t feel like doing anything.” And yes, we’ve all been there, done that. 

Those who are still following the same excuse, we have a solution for you right here. Below mentioned are 14 effective hacks that will minimize post-workout discomfort to help you rejuvenate and get back the lost energy.

8 Steps to Shed your Weight via Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is one of the most recent methods adopted towards the weight loss as it motivates a person to stay focused on the goal.  It is a psychological approach to shedding pounds that reveal the hidden patterns of over-eating. Apart from this, hypnosis helps access the unconscious mind and takes it to a state where it accepts suggestions.

Through self-hypnosis, one can change the habits at a subconscious level. This approach constantly reminds an individual to make healthy food choices. It changes your perception, and your feelings towards what you wish to attain.

Top 10 Fruits to Eat to Lose Weight Quickly

We have combed through the listings to give you some of the best fruits that will aid in weight loss process. Most of the fruits that will be mentioned in this article have already won raves for their ability to do wonders on your body’s weight, but there will be others you never knew had such effect on your weight. 

These fruits are wholesome in themselves thereby curbing any unnecessary craving you develop. In today’s world where health is not always wealth, this article will serve you some pointers that you will need to bear in mind for healthy lifestyle. Read below to get a list of power fruits to be taken in moderation that will do the trick to your health and weight.

10 Best Yoga Apps for IPhone and Android to Practice Yoga

Yoga is one of the most sought after exercise cum de-stressing formulas across the world. Yet, getting into that Cobra or Cow Pose need not always mean shelling out your money. Thanks to the countless yoga apps for iOS and Android devices. Yoga lovers can now enjoy their session at a virtual yoga studio. Along with offering assorted sequences, in-depth details about various asanas, and music to aid your meditation, various apps allow you to create tailor-made sessions to meet your needs.

3 Stability Ball Workouts (featuring Natalie Jill)

Have you bought a stability ball yet?

This week I’m sharing three killer workouts with you from FitFluential Ambassador Natalie Jill, using a stability ball. Check out these moves for your entire body for some challenging routines. There are pinnable images outlining the workouts, and the full posts with more detail can be found by clicking through the links.

Stability balls are seriously a huge bang for your buck as far as a home fitness investment. You can find one for way less than $50… even under $25 in some cases. Do a quick online search and see what you can find. You won’t regret it.

HIIT for Beginners

The workout I’m sharing with you today is a HIIT for beginners. There are so many benefits of HIIT or high intensity interval training, It has really become the main way I get my cardio lately. Have you tried HIIT yet? Well if you haven’t or if you are just getting back into your cardio routine, this workout is for you! I promise these moves may not sound too hard on paper, but this workout is what you make of it.

Read More On  HIIT for Beginners

Sweaty Elliptical Workout

So I mentioned last week that I’ve been making friends with the elliptical machine. Well I figured I would share my sweaty workout so you too could feel the wrath of the elliptical.

If you are anything like me you have avoided the elliptical, deeming it inferior to running on the treadmill. I mean if I have to be miserable on a piece of gym equipment, I might as well try to decrease my mile time right ? But the treadmill and I just cannot be friends some days. Especially after 2 or 3 days of sprints. Note, I love cardio, but not running on the treadmill, I watch the time and the seconds seem to take forever. This my friends is not fun!

Create your Home Gym for Under $150

With some space in the garage or an extra room in the house and a little bit of cash, you could create your own home gym! After doing some research on Amazon, I realized you could get the basics for a home gym for less than $150 (shipping costs vary). 

This may be the way to get your motivation sparked! Also a great gift for fitness-fanatic loved ones! (Click on the item to link to the product on Amazon).  Notice: these are not affiliate links, just good information for anyone looking to create a home gym on a budget!

Why you Really Lost 10 lbs in One Week

Yay! You did it. You spent a week eating only cabbage soup and lemonade (or was it eggs and chicken breasts?) and now you’re reaping the rewards. You step on the scale and WOW, you really lost 10 lbs in one week. The diet book was right! The fat is melting off you… or is it? You may like the number on the scale, but the tale it tells is not a success story. In fact, it’s a serious warning sign from your body.

16 Effective Butt Exercises for Toned Buttocks

Jennifer Lopez is known as much for her music as for her shapely derriere! It is no wonder that most women and some men aspire for the perfectly toned hips. Without weight training, you simply cannot tone your buttocks. Toning exercises not only helps the glutes but are also useful for your hamstrings and quads. If you want to make this exercise even more effective then use dumbbells. The best and easiest butt-toning exercise is walking or standing lungs.

Top 16 Exercises to Tone Buttocks: 

If you are looking for a fit and healthy body along with toned muscles, then choose easy workouts that suit your lifestyle, or better still, consult your physician. Choice is yours!

15 Arm Toning Exercises that you can do with Dumbells

Are you looking to tone your arms? Short on equipment? NO PROBLEMS! We've got you covered with 15 exercises to achieve the best possible looking arms with ONLY a set of dumbbells!

10 Effective Exercises to Treat Diastasis Recti

Are you in search of exercises that can heal diastasis recti? Well, you are in for some good news as there are exercises that can effectively help you reduce its appearance. This post talks about those simple exercises that can help you get relieved from the condition.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

15 Fitness Habits you Need to Establish in your 20s

Of course your twenties are a time to live it up, explore your options and do what you're crazy about. But they're also a time to get into the habit of, well, practicing healthy fitness habits because doing so will ensure that you're healthier later on, according to a new German study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise. (See also: 30 Health Choices You Should Make Before You Turn 30.)

For the study, researchers tracked over 500 adults for over 18 years, and found that people who were healthiest in their young adult years were also healthiest over time. So we reached out to some fitness experts to find out their best tips for what 20-somethings should pay attention to. Your mission? Start doing all of these things right now. Your future self will thank you!

Strengthening Knee Workout

When you stress out most of your body parts, you can relax and lay low, and the pain usually goes away. Unfortunately, our knees never quite get the message. They take so much of a beating during the day that it takes awhile to get some relief. Simple everyday movements such as walking up stairs, bending down (properly, not at the waist), and standing put strain on our knee.

This workout routine will help strengthen the knee joints and the surrounding muscles. Stronger muscles provide more support and take away excessive tension, while exercise allows the joints to be more fluid and move freely. Put the ice bag away and start freeing yourself from pain!

5 Day Beginner Kettlebell Challenge

Kettlebells have a long history that dates back to 18th-century Russia. Originally used by farmers who became noticeably stronger and more defined, they slowly developed into a standard piece of workout equipment. Kettlebells build strength in your core, shoulders, and legs while also allowing you a stronger grip for heavier weights.

Kettlebells are geared toward full-body exercise. Kettlebell workouts tend to utilize compound movements, which incorporate multiple muscle groups at once. This gives you twice the workout in half the time!

How to do Walking Lunges for Bigger Glutes

Walking Lunges are by far one of the best butt building exercises you could perform to build bigger rounder glutes quickly and effectively. Most would argue that squats are the one and all for building huge glutes. But I would beg to differ.

Let me ask you this. Would you do pull-ups to build bigger biceps? Some would answer yes to this question. However, the primary muscles used are the back muscles, and the secondary muscles used are the biceps. So the answer would be no.

Would you do bench presses to build bigger triceps muscles? No. The primary muscles used for this exercise are the chest muscles, or pectoral muscles. The chest is the primary muscle group used for this exercise, and the triceps are the secondary muscles.